
Showing posts from September, 2017

Be Still and Know

Dear God, You've never ever ever told me I have to know what's going to happen. You've never told me I have to do it alone. You've never told me I need to know what tomorrow will hold, where to go when I graduate, who I am going to marry or how I am going to pay for my next semester of college. You've never asked, "Hannah, do you know where I am leading you?" You've never asked me if I know the answers to my tests. You've never asked me my opinion about how I would like my life to turn out ten years down the road. You've never expected me to know anything. And tonight I come to you & this is what you say: Be still and know that I am God. Once I know that you are God, I will know the purpose for my life. I will know where my next meal will come from. I will know who will provide for college. I will know who the love of my life is, and that is You. I will know where you want me to go, when it is time to go. I will know where you are lea